Hej! I’m Marko. I live and work in Stockholm, Sweden. I use this place to post about stuff I am interested in - computers, books, table top and role playing games, miniature painting… nerd stuff. Sometimes I just write things here so that I don’t forget them. This site doesn’t have comment section because I don’t care about comments. If you have something you want to tell me, send an email. I also want to keep the site minimal without the need for JavaScript or embedding any third party solutions.


Opinions presented here are my own and not of my employer or organizations I am a member of.

I will do my best to make sure that the information and instructions on this website are correct and up-to-date. However, it is you responsibility to check things before you use them. I will also make sure that anything that may damage your computer is clearly marked. Use my code examples at your own responsibility.


All the content on this site is published under CC BY-SA 4.0

You may contact me at:

email: contact [at] nightmareartist dot com

And in case you want to share something in private:

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